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In case you need some more encouragement, I shared ayqua-1 on a discord server i spend time on and a user there tried it out and said this:
After playing, it i cant wait to see more! The art style is great, the animations are pretty fluid, and gave me lots of nostalgia playing platformers like fancy pants and sonic as a kid :ravedance: :sonic: I wish your friend the best on his project!
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i wrote some notes while testing the game out. idk if it will be useful or just noise, but I wrote anything and everything that came to mind while i tried it out.
Overall, I like it. I always like your art style, and I think with a little bit of tweaking the system you have here could be a very good base for a bigger game. Looking forward to how Ayqua develops!


I think these notes are very helpful, actually. Some of them refer to issues I already have on my docket to fix for the next game, and some is difficult-to-escape browser quirks, but there's a lot here I think I can fruitfully keep in mind.